I’ve written for a number of national and local publications. Please find samples of my writing linked below.
morning news
Savannah Morning News is Savannah, Georgia’s premier daily newspaper.
Greek Cooking Secrets, Traditions Live On at Olympia Café
Huffington post
Huffington Post is a nationally-recognized news and culture website.
Foraging for the Past
American Food Roots
American Food Roots is an online publication about regional food.
A Nut as American as Pecan Pie
Dutch Crunch is San Francisco’s Other Bread
Both Ga. and Va. Celebrate Brunswick Stew as their Own
Chop Talk: Patti Jackson Interprets Mid-Atlantic Cuisine
Pink Pangea
Pink Pangea is an online community for women who travel.
Falling for the Delicious Intricacies of French Food Culture
How to Celebrate American Holidays in Paris